...that nobody notices until you don't do it. My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first being hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint. ~Erma Bombeck
August cranked up to be a pretty busy month. Since the house is on the market, I have been having to tend to household duties, like making the bed and making sure there are no dirty dishes in the sink--it's like housekeeping boot camp --or retraining. I have also been doing some thorough cleaning, sorting and packing and I am pleased to say that I have been able to stay on task. I even cleaned the oven--which was pretty scary, but while I was polishing the stove, I imagined how nice it would be for the new family to have a sparkling clean stove to cook on in the first day in their new home. Maybe I was being a little too idealistic, but it helped me to push on with a thoroughly boring chore.
August is fair time and I normally enter a lot of items from my garden. This year my garden suffered from neglect and I had fewer things to enter. I felt guilty, like I had abused my own little family. However, I am happy to have entered some art.
I have also been looking at homes to buy which can be an emotional experience, but I am trying to just have fun with it and trust that when the time comes to make a decision, God will help me make it. My normal mode is to lock in on scenarios like a heat-seeking missile and decide how these situations should come out, so I get flustered when things don't work according to plan or if I am offered a whole new set of options; I have trouble making a plan "B".
The painting, White Rabbit, is one I finished 3 years ago, but it never got photographed. There were some things about it I wasn't happy with but I solved the problems by adding the foliage, which I did in one painting session. Voile! A new painting to show in my blog and at the fair.
You can never go home again, but the truth is you can never leave home, so it's all right. ~Maya Angelou
Home is where you can say anything you like cause nobody listens to you anyway. ~Author Unknown
I have been too busy to write, or more likely too scattered. I launched into a new phase of having my home ready to show for sale after months of inertia and letting things go and that has been a tough transition, but I am getting the hang of it. I am keeping the house up pretty well by tidying up, making the bed and stuffing clutter out of sight. The real estate agent has not place any high expectations on me--it is me who wants it to show well. I am slowed down by the bum hip but I have been getting it done. Mary Rose, my daughter-in-law, and part time room mate, has been working on the downstairs where she stays and it is looking nice. Helpers have also worked in the yard. The agent, a friend of mine, and another friend have been working on the house--a couple of things have to be brought up to code to please the lenders--and they rock. They won't accept any pay for their work; this is what they do-- helping others. I am touched by their generosity.
I did get approved for a loan but not in time to make an offer on the house we have been looking at--a small disappointment.
The weekend was fun; I did a lot of socializing. It was Rendezvous Days-- an annual celebration in the city park. Friday and Saturday nights concerts were held in the Pavilion and the music was awesome, and the crowd was happy, dancing on the lawn or in front of the bandstand. I even danced--rock and roll, with a cane. I used to go line dancing with my brother and there was a lady who danced with a cane which seemed a little odd, but I tried dancing at the Native American Pow wow, and it actually works. The cane helps me keep my balance allowing me to relax, and it shifts some of my weight so that I can move more freely. I had fun.
A son and his wife came to visit Saturday, and it had been awhile since we have seen them. Sunday was church in the park, and that afternoon I painted Memory Boxes with my artist friends. The boxes we paint are sent to hospitals to give to mothers who lose their babies to keep their mementos in. That evening I went to another event with other friends.
Today, I looked at another house which is even nicer than the last one and put in an offer on it. I am feeling oh so bold! The truth is that the whole thing is in God's hands.
I am tired so I am going to ring off without checking for errors. More later.