Winston Churchill led his nation during a horrible war-including a German Blitzkrieg, and he exhorted the citizens to never give up.
I feel like I am being bombarded by my own blitzkrieg in emotional and health problems, and I have an artist's block as big as the Great Wall of China. Yet I have no intention of giving up. How can I with all the love and support of friends and family? I saw my mother and grandmother give up, in face of pain and both wound up in wheel chairs. Tooling around town in a motorized buggy is not an option for me; that is why I was willing to undergo surgery. Now I have to fight it on another front. When I was talking to a friend today, I told him that I was going to get better and I will be dancing and dating soon. I didn't plan to say that, but once I did I thought about it all afternoon and decided, by golly, I am going to do it. The only obstacles in my life are in my own mind. If you catch me whining again in my blog, remind me that I said that. You have my permission. ;o)
This painting is called "Amazing Grace" because it is the first time a painting really flowed for me--I struggled with it before. Who would have thought that painting something as complicated as an iris would bring a breakthrough? I did this in 2003, and have since painted a dozen more.
CWCW: I washed the car, cleaned the kitchen, and did all the laundry, including folding it and putting it away (instead of rummaging through laundry baskets for my clothes.) I transplanted the geraniums that I started from cuttings last fall, did some typing for the church, dropped off an overdue library book and worked on the portfolio. I am starting to get with it.
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