OK, so I am better tonight. Sometimes I can't really write anything, so I post lyrics to songs that speak for me. A couple of evenings hanging with friends and laughing a lot helped me get in a better frame of mind.
Two things were bothering me. One is that I was anxious the up-coming surgery. It didn't help that a very negative person told me that my doctor was a really bad doctor and rattled off four desperate cases to prove her point. I admit that freaked me out, especially since I was second-guessing my decision to have my hip replaced but tonight I talked to someone who had the same surgeon for her hip. I added that to the list of people I know personally who have had joint replacements done or fractures set by him--all with positive results. I just have to trust God to look after me. The second thing that was troubling me was Valentine's day. I didn't expect not having a sweetheart on the day of love to affect me like this; I confess to a little of that love hunger Mother Teresa spoke of. I just know it was a really yukky week, which I wouldn't want to have to relive. This weekend, I am going to focus finishing my portfolio and next week I will focus taking care of chores and business that needs to be done--like getting my hair cut--before surgery. Above all, I am going to stop being so focused on me and opening my mind to the presence of God and needs of others. I hope.
Don't forget to feed my fish. They are greedy little things.
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